Jack Musicant Loved Baseball

As America celebrates baseball through the World Series, I am reminded of Jack Musicant's love for the game which began, as it does for many, at a tender age. Here is Jack (center) with two of his friends in the Kendales. Raymond is on the right. I don't know the fellow on the left. One of the many things my dad loved in my mother, May Musicant, was her enthusiasm for the game.
In coming posts I'll write about what my father and others learned from Aesthetic Realism about the beauty of baseball and how it can be used to know and like all people and reality itself.
My family were fans of the Brooklyn Dodgers, and I remember the great World Series of 1955--when the Dodgers beat the Yankees! This photograph was taken in Brooklyn in the 1920s, but the youthful energy and grace are as fresh as ever!--Alice Bernstein
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