Sunday, January 30, 2005

Jack and May Musicant - Introduction

Jack Musicant (1910-1977) and May Musicant (1922-1988) were my parents. They were married on September 14, 1941 and had three daughters. My father was a carpenter and lumberman all his life with a big care for literature and poetry. My mother was very energetic, and also loved music and sewing. In later years she became a costume supervisor for a theatrical company.

In 1946 Jack and May Musicant began their study of the philosophy Aesthetic Realism which was founded by the poet and educator Eli Siegel. I love them for enabling me to know and later to study this comprehensive, kind education. What my family learned in lessons and literally thousands of lectures given by Eli Siegel on all the arts and sciences, on history, language, and world thought throughout the centuries, is knowledge that can benefit every person in America and beyond. The purpose of this blog is to tell about this, as a beginning for my later writing a biography of my parents.

One of the things I value most in my study of Aesthetic Realism is learning that though someone has died, we can always know them better, always see more about them than perhaps we did when they were alive. So as I tell about my parents, I am also seeing more deeply who they were, and I believe that meeting them will do you good.
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